We have Jessanda Chooks for sale

How can I purchase Jessanda Chooks

If you would like some Jessanda chooks then fill in your details below. That way we can let you know when we have some available, which is usually May and September.

Our September chooks will be available soon. If you would like some chooks then please leave your details in the form below so we can be in touch when they are available.

If you would like to know more about our chooks first you will find more detail below.

I'm interested in some chooks

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Some more info on our chooks

Jessanda chooks are spoiled little vegemites. After arriving at Jessanda at 16 weeks old, our chooks get introduced to paddock life. Sheltering in a purpose built Caravan by night and basking in the sun of a day they lay heaps of nice brown and yummy eggs. However after 12 months of laying we move them on to another nice home (that may be yours) were they can lay lots more tasty eggs.

So what breed are Jessanda chooks

We have Hyline Brown chooks who are very friendly by nature and can handle the heat better than some breeds. They look exactly like the well known Isa Brown and are known for laying lots of nice brown eggs.

How much do they cost?

We sell our chooks for $ 10 each.  We can discuss pickup details later. If you have any questions feel free to contact us  

Also feel free to have a look at our gallery to see our chooks and if you have not already done so like our facebook page as we share a lot of info on there about the chooks.

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